Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Welcome, Amelia Island EarthKeepers

Tonight’s inaugural meeting of the Amelia Island EarthKeepers was a great success. Over 75 citizens (St. Marys and Fernandina) attended, along with three St. Marys Councilmembers.

Fernandina Vice-Mayor Johnny Miller spoke eloquently about the many common causes that unite our two communities: concerns regarding fugitive dust from the proposed Kinder Morgan ship-to-pier coal transfer operations at the Port of Fernandina; seismic airgun testing/oil exploration along our coast; Cumberland Island; the ongoing issue of litter in our rivers and ocean; and the pressing need to protect the integrity of our shared environment.

In the coming days, a website will be created and information disseminated – including a petition to oppose coal operations in Fernandina. Until then, I invite you to join the Amelia Island EarthKeepers on Facebook at .

Many thanks to all who attended, and to Sandy Bottoms, Fernandina, for so graciously allowing us the use of their facility.

Port of Fernandina Coal Transfers:

Recent articles: 

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