Monday, August 11, 2014

Wild at Heart Poster Contest

Wild at Heart Poster Contest

This September, our nation is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Wilderness Act.  To honor our own wilderness - Cumberland Island National Seashore and Wilderness Area - the St. Marys EarthKeepers, with support from the City, are hosting the “Wild at Heart” wilderness celebration (Sat. Sept. 6th, Howard Gilman Memorial Park, 12 pm – 5 pm) and poster contest. The entries will be evaluated and judged by St. Marys’ Mayor and Council members, and the contest winners will be announced at the Wild at Heart event.

- Grand prize: a family kayak harbor tour, courtesy of Up The Creek Xpeditions

- Four First Prizes (one for each age category): Tickets to Cumberland Island for one child and guardian, courtesy of the National Park Service.

- Four Second Prizes (one for each category): $20 each, courtesy of the St. Marys EarthKeepers. 

Poster Contest Rules:  (Only those entries that adhere to the rules can be accepted.)

1. Poster size must be 11” X 17” or 12” X 18”. Construction paper may be used, but entries must be mounted on quality paper.
2. Lamination is not permitted.
3. Poster designs may not incorporate any copyrighted characters, photographs, or magazine or newspaper illustrations.
4. Posters should be the exclusive work of the student entering the contest.
5. Only freehand drawn letters may be used. Lettering should be clearly legible, even if used as part of the poster design.
6. Wood, plastic, glass or metal cannot be used. Collage materials or glued-on pieces cannot be used.
7. Posters must be dropped off at the St. Marys Library or Camden County Library by closing time on September 4.
8. Please fill out the entry form (clearly printed) in its entirety and attach it securely to the back of the poster.

Winning posters will be displayed at the “Wild at Heart” Celebration at the St. Marys Waterfront on Saturday, September 6, and later at each of the libraries.  Posters become the property of the St. Marys EarthKeepers.

Entry Form 

Student Name ______________________________       
Circle Grade Group:       K-2             3-5        6-8        9-12
School ______________________________      
Teacher _________________________________

By entering the Wild at Heart Poster Contest, I give permission for the St. Marys EarthKeepers to use this work for (but not limited to) display, promotion, reproduction, and distribution in all media and in any form.  All works will be credited to the entrant/artist.
I release the St. Marys EarthKeepers from any liability or claimed liability in connection with this contest submission.
I acknowledge that I have read this consent and release prior to signing it and that I understand its contents.

Parent /Guardian Printed Name ___________________________________       
Parent/Guardian Signature        ___________________________________

Parent/Guardian Phone Number and Email ___________________________________

Thinking Prompts for the Poster Contest
1. What does the idea of “designated Wilderness” mean to you?
2. What feelings or emotions does Wilderness evoke for you when you're having a Wilderness experience?
3. The 2008 National Survey on Recreation and the Environment shows that Americans value Wilderness areas because they:
• Protect air quality
• Protect water quality
• Protect wildlife habitat
• Will be there for future generations
• Preserve unique wild plants and animals
Other reasons Americans value Wilderness areas include spiritual interaction with nature, escape from the commotion of daily urban life, recreation, and scientific study. Why do you think all of these benefits are important in today’s world?
4. What is the single greatest threat to Wilderness areas today?
5. Why do you feel this is the greatest threat?
6. If you were talking to a friend and he/she asked for a description of what Wilderness is, what would you say? (This is like the classic elevator speech; you don’t have much time, so how would you present it for impact?)
7. And when that same person asked you why YOU are involved with celebrating Wilderness, what would your answer be? (Make this PERSONAL please...what are you passionate about as it relates to Wilderness?)

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