Friday, May 2, 2014

A Threat To The Marsh

A memo recently released by Georgia Environmental Protection Division Director Judson Turner effectively removed the requirement for a protective 25 ft buffer on marshfront properties.

Due to its large tidal range and protective coastal marsh laws, Georgia’s relatively short coastline possesses approximately one-third of the remaining salt marsh on the East Coast. 

Whole and healthy, the marsh is a nursery for commercial seafood, a tourist attraction, and a critical factor in reducing flooding. Without that vital buffer, polluted run-off will enter the marsh directly (causing mass die-off) and we will be stripped of the critical protection from storm-surge.

A helpful video:

Please send your comments about this pressing issue to: 

Governor Nathan Deal
203 Capitol Place, SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
(404) 656-4713

Commissioner Mark Williams

EPD Director Judson Turner

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