Once again, volunteers came out in force for the annual St. Marys River Clean-up on Saturday, March 17th (sponsored by the St. Marys River Management Committee). The local effort was spearheaded by the St. Marys EarthKeepers who directed a team of 70 volunteers, including Cub Scout Pack 118 from Kingsland. Over 1,650 lbs. of trash were collected by teams who scoured the river, waterfront and downtown area. The event attracted 45 first-time volunteers - 6 of whom came from out of state.
Meanwhile, 9 participants worked as a team to collect trash from the HGTV Dream Home dock around to the outer parcel at the end of the Cumberland Harbour property as well as a portion along the North River. After last year's herculean effort there was substantially less trash to be picked up but they still collected an entire truck-load of garbage from the marsh area. (Pictured: Bill Bruce, Sam Colville, Joan Edelen, David Spencer, Joyce Kirkman, Andy Kirkman, and Joe Gregory. Not pictured: Phil Hooton, Jack Halsey, Brian Timberlake)
Alex Kearns, Chair of the St. Marys EarthKeepers, stated "Once again we were thrilled by the level of participation. While there is still much work to be done in terms of the ongoing litter problem in our area, we're seeing real advances as each year. Huge thanks to all of those who came out to join in this event."
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