Monday, March 9, 2009

River Cleanup

On Saturday, March 21, the St. Marys EarthKeepers will join others in
the annual River Cleanup. We will be at the downtown St. Marys
riverfront site. Please consider joining us. The cleanup begins at 8
am, though showing up at 9am is certainly permissible. Everyone is
invited to White Oak Plantation afterward for a cookout, and if
you've never been to White Oak, you're in for a treat
( Cleanup lasts til 11:30 at which time White Oak
opens for the cookout. Let me know if you'd like to participate.
We'll provide bags, gloves, etc. If you have a kayak or other boat
you could use, we need those as well. I look forward to hearing from
everyone. My number is 912-729-1103 if you have any questions.

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