Saturday, December 20, 2014

Consider the Cost...

The first right whale sighting of the season. The newborn is the 24-year-old mother's 5th documented calf (throughout the annual surveys) and her first since 2009. Even at such a young age, the calf could weigh as much as 2,000 pounds. Should the whale live to adulthood, it could weigh upwards of 14,000 pounds and consume more than 2,000 pounds of zooplankton in a day. (Whales are essential agents of ocean health. Because they travel both vertically through the water column and across ocean basins, they move nutrients throughout the ocean - creating what researchers refer to as the “whale pump”, aiding in the production of oxygen and reduction of atmospheric CO2.)

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Seismic airgun testing along the right whales' migration route would signal the end of this majestic creature. Are we willing to pay that price for the equivalent of seven years of Gulf oil? If so, we need to consider how we will answer the accusations of future generations.

We have the power to stop the environmental decimation and economic compromise of our coast...if we choose to speak out in a unified voice. 
Please - consider the high price of silence, and if you want to make your voice heard, send an email to Mayor Morrissey at asking Council to sign the Resolution against airgun testing along our coast. The Obama administration has made it clear that it will consider oil company applications with the “will of the people” in mind and that it wishes to hear from coastal communities)

Fernandina, FL, just passed a resolution and Tybee Island will be voting on theirs on January 15th. Below is the Proclamation before St. Marys City Council: