Tuesday, October 16, 2012

St. Marys Binational Peace Garden

On Saturday, Oct. 14, Boy Scout Troop 318 once again contributed their time and effort to the upkeep of the St. Marys Binational Peace Garden. The boys and their leaders have re-mulched, weeded and planted several times and have adopted the Peace Garden as an ongoing service project.
On July 4th, 2012, The Garden officially became part of the Binational Heritage Peace Garden Trail that stretches from Ontario, Canada, to St. Marys, Georgia. The Trail commemorates the anniversary of the War of 1812 and two hundred years of lasting peace and cooperation between the United States and Canada.
On Thursday, Nov. 1, at 12 pm, city officials will gather to plant a red maple (donated to the City by the Canadian Consulate) and a live oak. The two trees, symbolic of Canada and Georgia, will be placed near the American and Canadian flags that fly at the Binational Peace Garden.