Thursday, November 15, 2007

great news

Dave Shepler of Advanced Disposal just let me know that the old garbage cans will be recycled by Smurfit Recycling. For those of you who didn't make it to the Recycling kick-off last night, you would be very proud of the EarthKeepers accomplishments. The evening was a wonderful testimonial to community spirit. For those of you who did make it, thank you so very much for all your help. It's an extraordinary experience to be associated with such stellar people by a common bond as worthy as earthkeeping. I have posters, fliers, and bookmarks left over, so anyone who has an outlet for any of these, please let me know. They are focused on encouraging usage "Think Green. Fill the Blue," and also we have the poster contest fliers. We appreciate our media partners over the next couple of months as well, knowing they will do a great job getting the word out. Today should be a celebration for us all, and remember: it is America Recycles Day. On another note, let's get together in January (after the 19th--let me know your preferred date), and determine the future of St. Marys EarthKeepers. I believe the next step is formal establishment of a board, followed possibly by formation of a 501(c)3. I'm interested in everyone's thoughts on this. Hope you all  have a wonderful and most blessed Thanksgiving. One last comment regarding your old trash barrels: they will be picked up prior to December 3 after one of the upcoming garbage pickups, so just tell people to continue using their old barrel until it disappears. The city will empty the garbage, then Advanced Disposal will pick up the emptied old barrels.
Barbara Jackson Ryan, Publisher
St. Marys Magazine