Monday, August 13, 2007


In addition to the coverage of the Water/Sewer Committee meeting, the Tribune ran this opinion piece. Please comment on blog.


Friday, August 10, 2007


Yesterday's Water & Sewer Committee meeting brought us closer to our goal of curbside recycling in St. Marys. While the committee were initially poised to send out RFPs for curbside recycling only, input at the meeting persuaded the committee to send out RFPs for the entire waste collection process as well. So, there will be two options available in regards to outsourcing the services. Assuming deadlines given at the meeting are met, City Council should be prepared to vote at the September 24th meeting (at which time all RFPs should have been reviewed and recommendations from Staff should have been made). We know it gets frustrating sometimes--the pace of progress--but if this latest turn of events means incorporating curbside recycling at a much more cost-effiicent rate (which we believe it will), then the wait will have been worth it. We had a good turn-out of EarthKeepers at the meeting, and I greatly appreciate those who took time out of their busy schedules to show support. Once we're confident that curbside recycling is imminent, we shall meet and brainstorm how we can go forward with ensuring the success of the program.
Barbara Jackson Ryan, Publisher
St. Marys Magazine